Interior Mounted Lifts

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Interior-mounted lifts are a versatile solution for people with mobility challenges who must transport their mobility devices inside a vehicle, such as a van or SUV. These lifts are installed inside the vehicle and can lift and secure various mobility devices of varying weights and sizes. Interior-mounted lifts are of different types, including platform lifts and hoist lifts.

They offer a safe and convenient way to transport mobility devices inside a vehicle. Interior-mounted lifts can be customized to fit different types of vehicles and mobility devices.

Safe Home Pro provides interior-mounted lifts installed in the vehicle’s cargo area. Utilizing a hoist system, they can lift and load the mobility apparatus externally of the vehicle for easy maneuverability. These lifts can accommodate a variety of manual and powered wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers. The lift provides the convenience of quickly loading and unloading the mobility equipment at any vehicle location.

Furthermore, the interior-mounted lift offers an adjustable platform allowing easy transfer to and from the vehicle. Installation is easy, with no modifications required to the car or van.

At Safe Home Pro, Inc., we put our customers first. We take great care in providing quality products with superior customer service and support.

Contact us to learn more!